Since 2020


I' m a Developer / Freelancer / Maker / #Nocode BuilderI started a #nocode agency - VisualDev Studio 🚀 in 2021 and focus on building custom Adalo Components over Adalomatic 🚧 in 2022.
Took a break in 2023 and coming back in 2024


Planning to build more ...

  • Jan 2024 Imknight Dev build as a tool to keep track of my worklog

  • Feb 2024 RebuildHQ launch for admin panel as services

  • Mar 2024 Build FilaHQ prototype that showing widgets from FilamentPHP dashboard.

  • Apr 2024 Rebuild HookFeed with FilamentPHP & FlutterFLow


  • ChatHQ was a mere concept of an AI app that only progressed beyond the idea stage.

  • WebhookHQ revamped one of the early products but left it unfinished.

  • HookFeed enhancement on the earlier version of Readr, MVP was successfully developed, but unfortunately, it was not launched.

  • BetaHQ planning to rebuild into a feedback platform but concept only.

  • Trello Action Card Chrome Extension that bookmark url as Action Card in Trello by using FlutterFlow, prototype only with some issue.


  • BetaHQ my first try on web3 and create my own NFT to sell, but I didn't make it.

  • Readr early concept of a MVP that received webhooks.

  • Backendless VisualDev a prototype that syncs Airtable data to Backendless database for a client

  • RedirectHook prototype that triggers a Crisp API call when a short link is clicked.

  • NocoderHQ a directoryof #nocode deals


  • Visualdev Studio version 2 of NocoderHQ, launched as Adalo Expert Agency but later become focus on #nocode Agency.

  • Adalomatic is my first product that generates revenue by selling custom Adalo components to Adalo users.

  • NocodeAction Aka Dola for building API integration for the Adalo Platform concept only.


  • NocoderHQ Start with building free Adalo Components for the Marketplace and focus on building Adalo App.

  • GetPayHQ prototypes that create payment links for Stripe before Stripe launches the #nocode payment link

  • GetMetricsHQ prototypes that send weekly stats to your email

  • CovidNOW build prototypes of mobile app to show Malaysia COVID cases stats with Adalo

  • HelloJB local food directory, which is built with Glide.


  • Chatgram won Runner Up! - "Third party integration" for ProductHunt Maker Festival

  • WebhookHQ pivot from Hookeper for more features include API

  • IntegrateWP build automation for WordPress through plugins.

  • Hookeeper my first product which saves webhooks for later use